Fundays is Mahindra Holiday’ timeshare offering to corporate, introduced in October 2006. This offering is based on a points system for the 10 year term. . A corporate member may offer family holidays to their employees. A Club Mahindra Fundays member has to purchase a minimum 10,000 points and additional points can be purchased in multiples of 1,000 points. 67% of the points purchased by a member are termed as “Premium points” and can be used in all four seasons - Purple, Red, White and Blue, in Club Mahindra Holidays resorts and all three seasons - Verve, Buzz and Pep, in Zest resorts. 33% of the points purchased by the member are termed as “Classic points” and can be used only in the White and Blue seasons in Club Mahindra Holidays resorts and only in the Pep season in Zest resorts.
As of October 31, 2007 Mahindra Holiday has sold 1,128,849 Club Mahindra Funday points. That is 112 times minimum point required to purchase corporate membership.
What does it mean to ClubMahindra customer :- Purple season which is not available to general customer is available to corporate customers.
- One corporate membership is equal to how many Red Studio membership?
I do not know, but for sure each corporate customer membership must be equal to many (?) single normal customer membership. Otherwise why Mahindra holidays will create this brand. So how much load it is on ClubMahindra members : 1*112 or 5*112 (=600) or 10*112(=1200) Red Studio membership?
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